Professor Rajan Jose

Professor Rajan Jose is a senior Professor in the Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and is the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Nature journal Materials Circular Economy. He has served as the Dean of Research (Technology) of UMP during Feb 2016 – Aug 2019 besides serving as the Member of Senate and Graduate Council of UMP. He has investigated nanostructured perovskite ceramics for microwave and superconducting electronics during doctoral research at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Trivandrum, India and has received PhD degree in the year 2002. He has contributed to the science and engineering of diverse range of materials including inorganic and organic semiconductors, polymers, metals and alloys, materials for molecular electronics, biomaterials, glasses, and glass ceramics. He was employed as a scientist at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (India), AIST (Japan), Toyota Technological Institute (Japan), and the National University of Singapore (Singapore) before joining UMP. He has published over 320 papers in the Web of Science (Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics) indexed journals which are cited over 17400 times with an h-index of 68 according to Google Scholar database. He holds 25 patents. He has supervised 6 Postdoctoral, 30 Doctoral, and 11 Master’s researchers. Stanford University places him as a top 2% Materials Scientists in the world ever since the list was produced during 2020. Currently, he ranks 2075/315721 Materials Scientists in the world – representing top 0.65%. He is also ranked top #5 Materials Scientists in Malaysia by His current research interests include renewable energy devices, sustainable materials, circular economy, data science, and artificial intelligence.